Monday, September 23, 2013

Good Sites VS Bad Sites

So there are tons of websites out good, some bad, and some kind of in the middle.
I'm here to show you two good ones and one bad. My criteria for a good website is that it has a eye-catching home page, good and easy  navigation, and valuable content. A bad website to me is just a useless one. It's doesn't have much to offer and here is too much or too little on it's pages.

Here's the first (good) one:
It's easy to navigate. I can get to where I want to go with no problem. All the links work. The most popular or most recent artwork one the home page is eye-catching and interesting. Although it does seem like there's a lot going on, I think for an art related website this one is pretty good. I like it!
2nd good website:
This is actually an instructor I had at my previous college. She's a design artist as well, but I'm not sure if she made her own site. Anyway, I like the professional look of the site. The images are nice. I like the color chosen to represent her branding. The navigation is nice. The site is not complicated or clutters because it's simple to get through and it's right for her business.

Now it's time for a bad website:

I was just doing a random search for art website. I came across this one and it is really basic. Not very good at all. I mean what artist would want to use this site to build their own site. Most web hosting site or web designing sites look good, so the viewer would want to use that site to help their own. This site however doesn't have much to it. I'm surprise it didn't show samples or try to look more professional. I don't know, this site definitely isn't that good to me. I sort of understand that it is offering a service, but whoever designed it could have made it more appealing. There could have been more to it...more creative!!!

Yes I've seen better and I've seen worse, but these are the sites that stuck out to me.
I'm know my classmates will probably find some interesting sites. I'll check them out later.

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